Wednesday 8 March 2017

This juice detox by Jason Vale (7lbs in 7 days Super Juice Diet) is an ultra-quick method to reshape your body, while promising to provide you with all the nutrients your body needs. This juice plan promises quick weight loss to help you lose 7lb in only 7 days. (JM stands for juice master)

Super Juice

½ lime, peeled
2 apples, any type except Granny Smiths as they don’t juice well
½ pineapple
½ medium cucumber
½ ripe avocado
1oz fresh wheatgrass or wheatgrass powder
1 level tsp spirulina
1 capsule of acidophilus bacteria powder
Ice cubes
Juice the apples, pineapple, cucumber and lime. Put the avocado flesh into a blender with the ice, wheatgrass, spirulina and the bacteria powder.
Blend everything until smooth, pour and enjoy.

Special Juice

½ small pineapple
½ stick celery
1in chunk of cucumber
1 small handful of spinach leaves
1 small piece of peeled lime
2 apples
½ ripe avocado
Ice cubes
Juice the pineapple, celery, cucumber, spinach, lime and apples. Place the ripe avocado flesh in a blender along with the ice and juice mixture. Blend until smooth.
Pour into glass and enjoy.


½ large pineapple
2 apples
½ mug Alfalfa sprouts
½ mug watercress
½ mug parsley
½ mug kale
½ mug broccoli
1oz shot of fresh wheatgrass juice (or 1 tsp wheatgrass powder)
2 ice cubes
Juice all the ingredients, then add the wheatgrass shot or teaspoon of wheatgrass powder. Pour into a glass over the ice.


2 apples
½ cucumber
1 stick celery
1 small handful of spinach
Ice cubes
1 heaped tsp Dr Udo’s Beyond Greens supplement (if you don’t have this, replace by juicing a handful of mixed green leaves such as watercress, parsley or lettuce).
Juice the apples, cucumber, celery and spinach. Pour into blender, then add ice and Beyond Greens. Blend for about 1 minute or until smooth. If you use mixed green leaves instead of Beyond Greens, simply juice these along with the other ingredients and then add the ice.

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